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PlanBee's Favourite Books - World Book Day March 2019

World Book Day fast approaches which got us chatting here at PBHQ about our favourite books - those we come back to time and time again, those we love but are slightly ashamed of loving and our favourite children’s books. Perhaps you can find some World Book Day costume inspiration in our choices…

By the way, you don’t realise how hard it is to pick a favourite book until someone asks you to pick a favourite book. As if we could choose just one…

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All-time favourite: It’s impossible to choose between Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier and Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati. Both are stories I just get completely lost in and I’ve read both countless times.

Guilty pleasure: I can’t believe I am about to admit this publicly but the Virginia Andrews books are definitely my biggest guilty pleasure. I read Flowers in the Attic as a teenager and then promptly read the rest of her novels in quick succession. From time to time, when I need a book I don’t need to think about, I dip into these again!

Favourite children’s book: The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson has a very special place in my heart. But then, the Narnia books are also amazing.




All-time favourite: This isn’t a light-hearted read but Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain by Sue Gerhardt is one of my favourites. Perhaps ask me again when I’ve finished my post-grad in play therapy, but as a parent, educator and therapist this book is amazing.

Guilty pleasure: Probably Game of Thrones. [We’re undecided as to whether this counts as a guilty pleasure or not. Thoughts anyone?]

Favourite children’s book: If I have to pick just one, I’d say Danny the Champion of the World. All Roald Dahl’s stories are incredible but this is my favourite.




All-time favourite: I've always loved One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, but recently I really, really enjoyed The Humans by Matt Haig.

Guilty pleasure: I was obsessed with Terry Pratchett's fantasies for younger readers (Diggers, The Carpet People) when I was finishing primary school, and later, the Discworld series.

Favourite children’s book: Too hard for me to say now - there are so many, and for different reasons! When I was very young, I absolutely loved Anthony Browne's books, especially Willy the Wimp. I think it was the artwork mainly - it was colourful and patterned and felt 'retro' even when I was little! – now I'm older it's the dark, weird, scary little things hidden in the background of the illustrations - the subtext of some of his books like The Tunnel.




All-time favourite: Really hard to choose but probably The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.

Guilty pleasure: Harry Potter! I always return to it sooner or later.

Favourite children’s book: The BFG. I vividly remember beginning to read it in bed on holiday at Center Parcs when I was about 7, and the part about Sophie being snatched from her bed gave me nightmares!




All-time favourite: Maybe this should go in the ‘guilty pleasure’ section but the Harry Potter books are my absolute favourite! I’ve always loved them and have read them over and over. Order of the Phoenix is probably my favourite if I had to pick just one.

Guilty pleasure: See above!

Favourite children’s book: The Maze Runner series by James Dashner is probably the children’s books I’ve enjoyed the most recently.




All-time favourite: This Side of Brightness by Colum McCann. It’s a true story and very deep and gripping, and sad but so beautifully written.

Guilty pleasure: I’m a bit of a sucker for a terrible romance novel, those by Jane Green especially - my favourite being Jemima J. Terrible but great!

Favourite children’s book: I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen. A fabulous, hilarious read for both children and adults with such beautiful illustrations.

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So there you have it. PlanBee’s favourite books. If any are unfamiliar, give them a read and let us know what you think.

Better yet, let us know your own favourites on Twitter @PlanBeeTeaching or Facebook. We’d love to hear them! Are any of your guilty pleasures guiltier than ours? Which children’s favourites have we missed off? Answers on a digital postcard please…


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