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Eco friendly ways to celebrate Year 6 leavers

Eco friendly ways to celebrate Year 6 leavers

How can we celebrate Year 6 leavers in an environmentally friendly way?


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Celebrating the children and their achievements is an important thing to do, especially when they are leaving the primary school they have spent many years in. Check out our top ten eco ways to celebrate Year 6 leavers.


  1. Decorate a tile or a stone


If there is an area of the school that needs a bit of TLC, get the Year 6 leavers to design and make a tile or decorate a stone each. They could contain affirmations to support the children younger than them or something special to the child making it. As the years pass and the tiles or stones are added to, it will be a lovely reminder of all the children who have left and the futures ahead for the children still at the school. The book Only One You by Linda Kranz can be a great source of inspiration for the stone designs.


Year 6 Leavers - Painted Stones



  1. Plant something


This is a great way to show the children their presence will not be forgotten and it is a great metaphor for their continued growth. If you have space you could get the children to help create a woven willow walk or a living outdoor den. If you are short on space, get each child to grow a plant from a seed. These can then be planted somewhere in the school. You could aim to grow plants that will encourage butterflies and bees.



  1. Donate old school uniform


The children leaving won't need their uniforms in their new schools and the donations could help support families still at the school, or children further afield. See if you can get other schools involved and hold a large uniform exchange day or see if it is possible to set up a uniform exchange shop in your local area.




  1. Blow bubbles


Make the mixture with the children then make loads of different sized bubbles. Challenge the children to try and make a bubble big enough for one of their friends to be inside. This is a great way to have fun as a group and is bound to be something the children will have fond memories of doing.


Year 6 Leavers - Blow Bubbles! Making bubbles is fun for children of all ages.


  1. Go on a trip or get a group into lead a special activity


Follow the children’s interests and do that thing they have always wanted to do but haven’t been able to due to curriculum constraints. They'll remember the experience for a long time and it could help them boost their confidence and cement their friendships.


Year 6 Leavers - Plan a Trip


  1. Make mortar boards


Get the children to design and make their own graduation hats! They can be as creative or traditional as they like. You could even team up with a local university and give your class the chance to learn new skills and take part in enriching experiences outside of the classroom



  1. Make ecobricks


Plastic bottles filled with unrecyclable plastic can be made into all sorts of things, from walls to benches. Beware though, filling the bottles is more time consuming than you think!



  1. Write a song


Give the children time to create a song to remember their time in school. They could do this individually, in groups or as a year group. You could even see if a verse can be written about each child. The song can then be sung by the whole school in the Year 6 leavers assembly.


  1. Make a music video


Give the children time to choreograph and record a music video to accompany a song that appeals to your Year 6 leavers. It can be shown at their leavers assembly and made available for them to keep.


  1. Make confetti from fallen leaves


Get the children involved in collecting the leaves and making the confetti.


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LEAF CONFETTI TRAY Scroll back a couple of posts to see the Fine Motor Snipping Tray I shared and you’ll see sections containing fresh leaves, shaped hole punchers and a ticket puncher. . ? . By far their favourite thing to do was to make leaf confetti using these implements, creating piles of mini stars, hearts and circles. . ? It’s perfect nature confetti and great for creating art work with. I can’t wait to try this with flower petals in the spring and summer too. Such a fun way to practise motor skills . ? . Links to the punchers via the post on the blog (find it in Fine Motor Skills highlights above!) . ? . Here’s to the weekend and being nearly half way through November. I *may* start sharing Christmas ideas soon.....consider yourselves warned! ? . ????????????? . #theimaginationtree #eyfsideas #eyfsteacher #natureplay #autumnactivities #leafconfetti #leafart #leafactivities #finemotorskills #finemotoractivity

A post shared by Anna (@imaginationtree) on

What would you add? Let us know your eco friendly Year 6 leavers activities.


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