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Save time by joining the planning revolution

It's as easy as one, two, three...

Step 1 - create an account

However you decide to use PlanBee, you will need an account. It's free to set up.

Fill in a quick form to instantly create your free account.

Already have an account? Log in

Step 2 - choose your subscription level

Whether you want complete access to our library for a small monthly fee, or only pay for what you need, we have a subscription level for everyone.

PlanBee subscription levels at a glance
PlanBee Subscription Levels at a Glance 12 months PlanBee Subscription Levels at a Glance 12 months
PlanBee Subscription Levels at a Glance cancel anytime PlanBee Subscription Levels at a Glance cancel anytime
PlanBee Subscription Levels at a Glance school subscription PlanBee Subscription Levels at a Glance school subscription
PlanBee Pay as you go access PlanBee Pay as you go access
Step 3 - relax!

Now that your account is all set up, you can sit back and relax knowing that you have expertly-written and ready-to-teach planning packs at your fingertips.

How PlanBee works for subscribers and PAYG customers
5 star review - excellent
5 star review - perfect topic

Using PlanBee as a school?

You can create a school trade account to pay via invoice.