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Hi Isabelle, thank you for your review. If you have the time to expand on your feedback of this scheme, it would be much appreciated - please contact us at
I have purchased other topics from PlanBee which have been excellent. Just felt this one wasn’t as strong and could improve.
Hi Fiona, I am sorry to hear that you weren't completely satisfied with the resources this time, but thank you for your valued feedback about this scheme, which has been passed onto our resource creators.
The kids really enjoyed this topic. My only suggestion would be to include Key vocabulary. Most schools require a topic page or some kind of key vocabulary sheet. It would be helpful not to have to go through each and every lesson and slide to find what you need.
Hi Cameron, thank you for your feedback - we are so pleased to hear that your class enjoyed these lessons! We are constantly working to update our resources, and including explicit key vocabulary is one of the things we are currently focussing on. If we can help you further or you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at