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A good summary of the artist and activities linked to the objective. A few typos in the slides and would have preferred a PowerPoint that I could edit. Outcomes were okay but needed a lot of personalisation and editing.
Such a great help to ensure cross-curricular learning and saved me so much time planning everything from scratch. Pitched perfectly, variety of tasks, differentiated and engaging.
The new system is ridiculous. We have a school login but it is my email as only one login for the school, so now every time a member of staff has to go through the process of ‘purchasing a unit’ I now have to email it to them! Why have you changed the system? It was fine.
I have spent a fair bit on resources over the years, so pleased there is finally a subscription service. Much more affordable, really pleased.
Keep up the good work!
We're so pleased to hear that you are happy with our new subscription option, Carol! Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review :-)