This six lesson unit begins with an opportunity for your class to taste and describe a variety of different breads from around the world. In the following lesson, your KS2 class will go on to learn about how bread can be part of a balanced diet. Children will learn about the different food groups and will plan their own healthy meals, which include a variety of different bread products. Then it is time for children to follow a basic bread recipe to make bread. They will explore adapting the recipe according to given instructions or their own ideas. Using this experience of making bread, children will design and follow their own bread recipe. At the end of the scheme of work, children will taste their bread and evaluate it.
This pack contains everything you will need to get your class excited about making bread! Included in the pack are interactive slideshows for each lesson, a detailed lesson plan and all the printable resources you require. Have your class got the cookery bug and want to extend their repertoire of foods they can make? Then download this Burgers DT scheme and get your class making mouth-watering burgers and develop their cooking skills too!
This lesson begins with children learning some facts about the history of bread and then seeing how many different types of bread they can name.
Then, the children will have the opportunity to taste a variety of different breads. They will describe the breads using a bank of descriptive words to help them and will evaluate each. At the end of the lesson, children will vote for their favourite bread to create a class tally chart.
This pack contains an interactive slideshow, a detailed lesson plan and all the printable resources you will need to teach this exciting bread tasting lesson!
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Vocabulary grid
- Bread evaluation cards
- Worksheets
In this Balanced Diet DT Lesson Pack, children begin by discussing what they already know about a balanced diet.
Then, using the engaging slideshow that comes as part of this pack, children will find out all about the different food groups and the proportions of each needed to maintain a balanced diet. They will learn that bread can form part of a heatly, balanced diet. They will then use their learning to design a set of meals which each contain a different bread product and which can be eaten as part of a balanced diet.
Everything you need to teach this lesson is included in the pack. There is an engaging slideshow, a detailed lesson plan and all the printable resoruces required.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Bread survey sheet
- Worksheets
In this lesson, children will begin by discussing what ingredients they think will be needed to make bread.
Using the engaging slideshow that comes with this pack, children will learn the step-by-step method to making bread. Photos of each step in the process are included to ensure that children fully understand what to do. They will then have opportunity to make their own bread, following this recipe. Children will also have chance to explore altering the recipe. For example, they might add an ingredient or they might explore twisting or shaping the bread differently.
This pack contains all you need to get your class making bread. There is a high-quality slideshow, a detailed lesson plan with differentiated activities and all the printable resorces you will need.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Worksheet
- Activity cards
In this lesson, children will use the images of each stage of the basic bread recipe to recap on the method followed.
Then, children will think about the different purposes for making a bread product before using a planning sheet to design their own bread. Children will decide on the ingredients they will use and will develop a recipe to follow when making their bread. At the end of the lesson, children will share their bread designs with each other and will suggest improvements.
Everything you need to teach this lesson is included. There is an interactive slideshow, a high-quality lesson plan with differentiated activities and all of the printable resoruces required.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Worksheets
This lesson begins with an opportunity for children to describe to a partner how they will make their bread designed previously.
Then, your KS2 class will look at an image of an unhygienic kitchen and will identify why it would be unsafe to use for making bread. They will learn about food safety and the importance of keeping surfaces and utensils clean when cooking. Children will then make their bread.
This lesson pack contains everything needed including an interactive slideshow, a detailed lesson plan and all of the printable resources needed.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
Now that children have made their bread, it is important that they evaluate it.
in this lesson, children will complete an evaluation sheet for their bread. They will have access to a vocabulary grid to ensure that their descriptions are of a high quality. At the end of the lesson children will reflect on their experience of making bread and will discuss whether or not they would like to make bread again in the future.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Vocabulary grid
- Worksheets
free overview (medium-term plan)
free assessment grid
curriculum objectives covered
Download a free overview to support your teaching of this scheme of work.
Download a free, editable assessment grid to support your teaching of this scheme of work.
- use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups
- generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams, prototypes, pattern pieces and computer-aided design
- select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks [for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing], accurately
- select from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities
- investigate and analyse a range of existing products
- evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work
- understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet
- prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques