Full of opportunities for discussion and hands-on activities, this Toys Past and Present scheme of work will both capture the imagination of your class and equip them with the vocabulary, skills and knowledge they need to become confident historians, including examining and sorting historical sources, understanding chronology and creating timelines.
Make the toys of the past come alive, with this thoughtfully prepared Toys KS1 History Planning Pack which includes detailed lesson plans, informative teaching slides and a range of fully resourced activities.
This scheme of work is also part of a Topic Bundle. Perfect if you are teaching 'Toys' as a cross-curricular topic.
This oracy-rich lesson encourages children to describe their favourite toys now and when they were younger.
First, children practise asking and answering questions about each other’s favourite toys, using precise vocabulary to describe them. Then they apply their understanding by recording happy memories of playing with their favourite toys or using drama to re-enact playing with toys.
This instantly downloadable lesson pack comes with everything you need to begin investigating the evolution of toys within living memory, including: a detailed lesson plan with a range of activities, PDF slideshow and printable resources.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Picture Cards
- Word Mat
- Worksheet
In this lesson, children learn how to find out about toys of the past and begin to understand how these toys are the same or different to their own.
Children will generate questions and interview their parents, carers and grandparents about the toys they played with and how they liked to play when they were younger. Alternatively, children can use photographs and memories provided to find out about the toys enjoyed by these generations.
This instantly downloadable lesson pack comes with everything you need to teach your children how we know about toys of the past from the memories of older generations, including: a detailed lesson plan with a range of activities, PDF slideshow and printable resources.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Toy Cards
- Toy Charts
- Question Builder
- Question List
- Writing Template
In this session, children focus on the changes in modern technology which have led to changes in toy design and variety - specifically the use of plastic and electronics.
Children will learn how to arrange dates in chronological order and apply their understanding by ordering toys on a timeline.
This complete lesson pack comes with everything you need to teach your class about chronology, timelines and key changes in toy design brought about by modern technology, including a detailed lesson plan, PDF lesson slides and a range of printable resources offering a variety of access points for your learners.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Toy Cards
- Timelines
- Toys through the decades ebook
- Toy Box Timeline
In this lesson, children are given the opportunity to develop their historical enquiry skills by examining a selection of toys and sorting them by their characteristics.
Children will use what they have learned about toy characteristics to decide whether toys are 'old' or 'new', presenting their findings and explaining their decisions to their peers.
This complete lesson pack comes with everything you need to teach your class how to develop their historical enquiry skills, including a detailed lesson plan, PDF lesson slides and a range of printable resources offering a variety of access points for your learners.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Picture Cards
- Sorting Sheets
- Word Bank
Children develop their understanding of chronology by looking at how the design of Lego sets, and the experience of playing with them, has changed over time.
Children investigate a variety of Lego sets from the 1950s and 1980s alongside more recent sets to identify the similarities and differences between them. Alternatively, children can show their understanding creatively using Stop Motion animations.
This complete lesson pack comes with everything you need to teach your class how to compare and contrast toys from different time periods, including a detailed lesson plan, PDF lesson slides and a range of printable resources offering a variety of access points for your learners.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Lego Timeline
- Lego Cards
- Record Sheets
- Word Bank and Question Prompts
In this last session, children consolidate what they have learned about the changes to toys in living memory by organising the classroom into a toy museum.
Children must select toys for inclusion and explain their choices and decide what information to offer visitors. Alternatively, children create a time capsule to showcase the toys of the last century for future generations.
This complete lesson pack comes with everything you need to support your children to summarise what they have learned about the changes to toys within living memory, including a detailed lesson plan, PDF lesson slides and a range of printable resources offering a variety of access points for your learners.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Toy Cards
- Photograph Cards
- Museum Display Templates
- Word Bank
- Time Capsule Templates
- Toy Fact Files
This Year 1 and 2 History Knowledge Organiser has been created to complement our History Changes in Living Memory strand. It is designed to support your children’s understanding of key vocabulary linked to this scheme of work. Enquiry questions have been included to encourage your children to think deeply about this topic.
free overview (medium-term plan)
free assessment grid
curriculum objectives covered
- changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life