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Command Sentences

What is a command sentence?

A command sentence is used when telling someone to do something. It is one of the four types of sentences (statement, question, exclamation and command).

Command sentences usually start with an imperative verb (a 'bossy' word'), such as 'go', 'stop' or 'put'. They can be very short, and may have an urgent or angry tone. They end in a full stop, or sometimes, an exclamation mark.


Command sentence examples:

Take your shoes off.

Turn the light on.

Close that door!

Eat all of your vegetables.

Catch the ball!

Carefully, mix all of the ingredients together.


Download Planbee's FREE Imperative Verbs Mat and use it to encourage children to generate their own command sentences.


Command sentences Year 2 and beyond

Command sentences appear in the National Curriculum in Year 2:

Pupils should be taught to learn how to use: sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command.

Command sentences can be introduced in a practical way, e.g. through following instructions on how to make or do something (using a recipe in DT, or learning a dance routine in PE).

Once children understand what a command sentence is and how it is constructed, they will progress to using them in their own writing - usually within an instructional text.

In KS2, in addition to using command sentences within instructional texts, children should also include them when using direct speech:

"Stop right there!" shouted the policeman.

"Don't come any closer!" warned the bank robber.

FREE Four Types of Sentences Posters

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