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Harriet Tubman KS2

This Harriet Tubman KS2 lesson explores her life and how she escaped slavery to eventually became a conductor on the Underground Railroad, helping to free over 300 enslaved people.

Challenge your class to participate in rich discussions about the key points in Tubman's life and what made her such an incredible woman. The printable resources for this lesson help your class find out more about her and use their reasoning skills to help them answer the question: Why is Harriet Tubman such an important historical figure?

This Harriet Tubman KS2 History lesson includes:

  • a detailed lesson plan with differentiated activities
  • a slideshow for the teaching input
  • a range of printable resources for independent learning activities

This lesson is part of a The Atlantic Slave Trade unit for Year 5 and Year 6.

Harriet Tubman KS2 Lesson Pack


Scroll through the pictures for a preview of the lesson's resources:

Harriet Tubman KS2 Slideshow example 1
Harriet Tubman KS2 Slideshow example 2
Harriet Tubman KS2 Slideshow example 3
Harriet Tubman KS2 Slideshow example 4
Harriet Tubman KS2 Slideshow example 5
Harriet Tubman KS2 Worksheet example 1
Harriet Tubman KS2 Worksheet example 2
Harriet Tubman KS2 Worksheet example 3
Harriet Tubman KS2 Plan Example
Harriet Tubman Portrait

Harriet Tubman KS2 Facts

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Who was Harriet Tubman?

Harriet Tubman was an American abolitionist and equal rights activist. She lived in the USA during the 19th and early 20th century.

At this time, it was legal in some states in the US to own enslaved people. These were referred to as ‘Slave States’. In other northern states, it was illegal to own enslaved people, or use people for forced labour. These were referred to as ‘Free States’.

Early Life

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery around 1822 (she didn’t know the exact year she was born). She was called Ariminta Ross or ‘Minty’ for short. Her grandparents had been brought to America from Africa as enslaved people during the Atlantic Slave Trade. She had eight brothers and sisters.

Tubman and her family were enslaved on a plantation (a huge plot of land for growing crops such as sugar, cotton, tobacco and coffee) in the slave state Maryland. Being an enslaved person was a horrible life; you were owned by another person and forced to work. Harriet and her family were often punished using whips and treated poorly. They had to live in separate houses, usually with no proper furniture or beds. Her enslavers would regularly send or sell members of her family to neighbouring plantations, splitting them up.

Enslaved people working on a plantation

Enslaved people working on a cotton plantation

When working on the plantation as a teenager, Tubman suffered a severe head injury. An overseer threw a large, heavy object at another enslaved person who was attempting to escape but hit Tumban instead. After this, Harriet often suffered from headaches, dizzy spells and would fall asleep without warning. She would also experience vivid dreams and visions, which she thought were messages from God. She was passionate about her faith and this would guide her decisions throughout her life.


In 1844 Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman. She changed her name to her mother’s name: Harriet and took her husband’s last name. John planned to save enough money to buy Harriet’s freedom from her enslaver, but this never happened.

The Underground Railroad

A few years later, in 1849, Harriet and her brothers managed to escape. They had been rented to another plantation so it was easier to slip away unnoticed. However, her brothers had second thoughts. They wanted to return to their family and Harriet was forced to return with them.

Undeterred, Tubman escaped again. This time she was alone. In order to stay hidden, Tubman used something called The Underground Railroad. This was not a real railroad, nor was it underground. It was actually a network of secret safe houses called stations and kind people who wanted to help enslaved people escape the slave states. The people who ran the railroad were called conductors.

A map showing the Underground Railroads

A map of the different routes to freedom using the Underground Railroad.

Tubman had to travel by night to avoid being spotted. It is unknown how long it took her to get to a free state, but it could have been up to three weeks of travel. Eventually, she crossed the border into Pennsylvania, a free state.

She recalled the experience years later:

“When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through the trees, and over the fields, and I felt like I was in Heaven.”

Although she was now free, Harriet was not happy. She knew her family were still enslaved back in Maryland. She saved money and, in December 1850, she went back to help her family escape as well and brought them back to Philadelphia. She did attempt to seek out her husband, but found he had remarried and that he wished to stay where he was.

Over the next few years, Tubman continued to return to the slave states to help enslaved people escape. She became one of the most successful conductors of the Underground Railroad, helping over 70 enslaved people escape. It is said that she never lost one of her ‘passengers’.

The Civil War

In 1861 a civil war broke out between the free states (The Union) and the slave states (The Confederate) in the US. If the Union were to win (which ultimately they did), it would be a big step forward to abolishing slavery in the whole of the US.

Tubman immediately allied herself with the Union and worked as a cook, nurse and scout for the soldiers. She provided the Union with information about Confederate supply routes and led raids on the enemy camps. In one such raid, more than 750 enslaved people were rescued from boats.

After the war during a train journey to New York, Tubman was asked to move from her seat. She refused and was forcibly removed from her seat, breaking her arm in the process. This incident was mirrored by Rosa Parks’ actions when she refused to surrender her seat on a bus in 1955.

Harriet Tubman during the American civil war

Tubman during the American civil war

Later Years

Even after slavery was made illegal in the US, Tubman continued to devote her life to fighting for equal rights and caring for other people. She frequently spoke for the rights of women and gave speeches for the Women’s Suffrage Movement.

She remarried and adopted a little girl named Gertie. In her later years she lived in Auburn with her family and elderly parents on a farm she had bought.

She established a care home for ‘Aged and Indigent Coloured People’ where she herself spent her final years. Harriet Tubman died in 1912 of pneumonia.

Harriet Tubman 1911

Tubman in 1911

5 Facts about Harriet Tubman:

  • Harriet Tubman was only 5 ft 2 inches (157 cm) tall.
  • People began calling her ‘Moses’, inspired by the Bible story in which Moses freed enslaved people from Egypt.
  • Tubman used songs to send messages as she conducted the Underground Railroad: “Go Down Moses,” and, “Bound For the Promised Land.” She said she changed the tempo of the songs to indicate whether it was safe to come out or not.
  • Tubman carried a small pistol for protection as she guided enslaved people to freedom on the Underground Railroad.
  • In 2016, Tubman was named as the person to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. This has been postponed until 2028.