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Teacher Standards

Teachers’ standards are set by the Department of Education (DfE) and written in law. These professional standards for teachers came into effect in 2012, replacing the ‘standards for qualified teacher status’ and the ‘core professional standards’.  


What are Teacher Standards?

Teachers’ Standards set the minimum requirements for teachers’ practice and conduct. They define the minimum level of practice for trainees and teachers to achieve qualified teacher status. The standards can be used to assess the performance of teachers.

Who has to adhere to the teaching standards?

The Teachers’ Standards apply to trainee teachers working towards QTS, all teachers completing their statutory induction period (ECTs) and teachers in maintained schools, including maintained special schools.


The use of professional standards for teachers in academies and free schools depends on the specific arrangements of those schools. Independent schools are not required to use the standards.

How many teacher standards are there?

The teachers’ standards are separated into two parts; teaching, and personal and professional conduct.


There are eight statutory teachers’ standards related to teaching. They state that a teacher must:  

  1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

  2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

  3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

  4. Plan and teach well structured lessons

  5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

  6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment

  7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment

  8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

What are the upper pay scale teacher standards?

The upper pay scale (UPS) teachers’ standards are the standards teachers need to meet to cross the threshold into the Upper Pay Range (UPR).


In order to move to the UPR, teachers must prove they are highly competent in all elements of the teacher’s standards; and that their achievements and contribution to the school are substantial and sustained.

What are the headteacher standards?

Headteachers are expected to meet the teachers’ standards. The headteachers’ standards set out to explain how headteachers can meet both the additional responsibilities of headship and the requirements of the teachers’ standards.


The headteachers’ standards are split into two parts. The first part outlines the ethics and professional conduct expected of headteachers. It builds on the second part of the teachers’ standards.


The second part sets out ten headteachers’ standards. The first six standards build on the teachers’ standards. The other four standards focus on leadership responsibilities specific to headteachers.

  1. School culture (builds on teachers’ standard 1)

  2. Teaching (builds on teachers’ standards 2 and 4)

  3. Curriculum and assessment (builds on teachers’ standards 3 and 6)

  4. Behaviour (builds on teachers’ standard 7)

  5. Additional and special educational needs (builds on teachers’ standard 5)

  6. Professional development (some match to teachers’ standard 4)

  7. Organisational management

  8. School improvement

  9. Working in partnership

  10. Governance and accountability


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