This comprehensive Maya Civilisation resource includes detailed lesson plans, engaging and informative slides, differentiated worksheets, fun activities, games, captivating images and more.
These KS2 Maya Civilisation History lessons are designed to immerse your class in this rich culture, providing a thorough overview of this remarkable period in Mesoamerican history. Perfect for inspiring curiosity, developing a sense of chronology and deep learning about the ancient Maya!
You may also like to explore our Maya Cross-Curricular Topic, which includes these History lessons, as well as Maya-themed activities across a range of other subjects.
In this first History lesson, children will discover where and when the ancient Maya civilisation developed. They will learn how historians and archaeologists have used the temples, pyramids stone monuments and other artefacts left by the Maya to find out about their society and way of life.
Children then apply their understanding by studying a range of historical artefacts and interpreting what these reveal about the past.
This ancient Maya civilisation KS2 lesson pack is completely planned and ready to deliver to your keen historians. There's an easy-to-follow lesson plan, a slideshow for the teaching input, differentiated activity ideas and a range of printable resources to support your children as they investigate artefacts left behind by the ancient Maya.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Artefact Cards
- Question Cards
- Connection Cards
Now children understand the context of the ancient Maya civilisation, they will learn about how its society was governed and organised. Children will learn about the Maya city-states, their social hierarchy and the roles, power and status of each social group.
Then, children will reflect on how people’s lives and experiences would have differed according to their social group and why we have more information about the lives of some social groups than others.
This ancient Maya city-states lesson contains all you need to teach your children about the society of the ancient Maya. There's an easy-to-follow lesson plan, a slideshow for the teaching input, differentiated activity ideas and a range of printable resources.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Social Pyramid
- Palenque Map
- Information Sheet
- Visitor Guide Template
Children begin this lesson by generating questions they have about the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Maya. They will develop their understanding of the role that gods and goddesses played in different areas of the daily lives of the Maya and explore the different ways that the Maya worshipped their deities.
Children apply their understanding by designing their own deity for modern times or by reenacting the Maya creation story.
With a comprehensive lesson plan, engaging teaching slides, activity ideas, information sheets and a Maya creation story board, this Maya Religion KS2 Lesson Pack is completely ready for you to download and teach.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Deity Cards
- Information Sheet
- Design Sheet
- Maya Creation Story
- Story Planner
In this lesson, children will learn about the achievements of the ancient Maya civilisation, including their writing and number systems and the development of accurate calendars based on their astronomical observations.
They will consider the significance of these achievements and how their impact on future societies and generations. Alternatively, they can participate in a 'hands-on' activity carousel to form a better understanding of the Maya calendar, writing and number systems.
This fully resourced planning pack includes everything you need to teach your children about the achievements and contributions of the ancient Maya civilisation.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Invention Cards
- Ranking Sheet
- Information Sheet
For this lesson, children will learn about the key periods in the development of the Maya civilisation: preclassic, classic and postclassic and explore aspects of change and continuity across these. Children will also learn how to practically construct timelines, including how to use bars to represent periods of time and arrow to mark distinct events.
They will also learn how to practically construct timelines, including how to use bars to represent periods of time and arrow to mark distinct events.
This KS2 ancient Maya timeline lesson pack includes a detailed lesson plan, a teaching slideshow and activity ideas along with a range of printable resources to support your class construct and interpret historical timelines.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Timeline Template
- Event Cards
- Kaboom! Cards
- Kaboom! Instructions
For this lesson, children will investigate the similarities and differences between the daily lives of people living in the ancient Maya civilisation and Anglo-Saxon England c.900 CE.
Children will use research and role-play to find out, compare and contrast what life was like for ordinary citizens in both societies. There is also an opportunity for writing a historical narrative in role.
This KS2 Ancient Maya History Lesson Pack includes a detailed lesson plan, a teaching slideshow and activity ideas along with a range of printable resources to support your class to contrast the ancient Maya and Anglo-Saxons!
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Role Cards
- Information Sheet
- Writing Template
- Example Diary
- Challenge Card
- True or False? Cards
In the last lesson of this scheme of work, children will investigate some of the reasons for the decline of the ancient Maya civilisation and its city-states. They will consider different interpretations and perspectives of the historical events associated with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in Mesoamerica.
Children will also discover that, although the last city-states were abandoned to the jungle in the sixteenth century, the Maya still live in Mesoamerica today.
This a lesson pack includes a detailed lesson plan, a teaching slideshow and activity ideas along with a range of printable resources to support your class to create an informative documentary about the fall of the ancient Maya civilisation.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Cause Cards
- Ranking Sheet
- Storyboard
- Interview Sheet
This Year 3/4 History Knowledge Organiser has been created to complement our History 'a non-European society that contrasts with British history' strand. It is designed to support your children’s understanding of key vocabulary linked to this scheme of work. Thinking questions have been included to encourage your children to think deeply about this topic.
free overview (medium-term plan)
free assessment grid
curriculum objectives covered
- a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – one study chosen from: early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c. AD 900; Mayan civilization c. AD 900; Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300