Each thoroughly-planned lesson in this KS2 Tudors pack has a lesson plan with differentiation, a slideshow for the teaching input to guide you and your class through the learning, and a range of printable resources, such as worksheets, picture cards, challenges, to support your class as they engage in their independent learning activities. All you need to do is download, teach and enjoy!
This scheme of work is also part of a Tudors Cross-Curricular Topic, which has a series of Tudor-themed lessons across a range of subjects.
This Tudor Family Tree KS2 History lesson introduces your class to the Tudor royal family, how they came to power and how they are all related to each other! Your Year 3/4 children will place the Tudors on a timeline before using the Tudor family tree to find out about these famous kings and queens.
Containing a detailed, differentiated lesson plan, a slideshow for the teaching input and a range of handy printable resources, including a Tudor family tree worksheet, this lesson contains everything you need to teach your class about how to read a family tree to find out who the Tudors were. There is also the opportunity to organise Tudor timeline cards so children can arrange the births, marriages and deaths of the Tudor royals chronologically.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Tudor family tree sheet
- Picture cards
- Timeline cards
This engaging Tudor Clothes KS2 History lesson gives your Year 3/4 class the chance to explore Tudor fashion and compare it to the clothes we wear today. The included slideshow for the teaching input looks at some Tudor portraits to explore what kind of clothes the Tudor wore, and how rich and poor Tudor clothes were different. They'll find out the names of some of the garments Tudors wore that are no longer familiar, such as a kirtle, doublet and hose, as well as identifying common colours, styles and embellishments used in Tudor clothes.
During their independent learning activities, they can then either have fun dressing up paper dolls in Tudor fashion, identify the differences between modern and Tudor clothing, or design their own Tudor outfits!
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Picture cards
- Paper doll man/woman sheets
- Doll costume sheets
What did the Tudors eat? Your class will find out the answer to this question in this ready-to-teach Tudor Food KS2 History lesson! During the slideshow for the teaching input, your class will think about their favourite meals and whether or not they would have been able to eat these meals during the Tudor period. Your class will then find out some helpful information about what the Tudors ate, and some of the new foods that were being introduced to Britain thanks to Tudor exploration of the world.
During their independent tasks, your Year 3/4 children can then do some further research into Tudor foods for themselves, or sort foods into those the Tudors ate and those they didn't.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Picture cards
- Information sheet
- Fact cards
- Tudor fact file
This grisly Tudor Crime and Punishment KS2 History lesson looks at the punishments criminals (or those suspected of a crime) were given during the Tudor period, and how law and order was controlled. Your class will find out what a ducking chair was, who got put in the stocks and why people were hung, drawn and quartered. They will also think about how these punishments are different to our justice system today and whether or not these punishments fit the crimes.
During their independent learning, they will then have the chance to either look at some Tudor crime and punishment scenarios and express their understanding of these through descriptions and illustrations, or act the scenarios out for themselves.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Crime and Punishment sheet
- Role play cards
Hook your class into History with this revolting Tudor Medicine KS2 History lesson for Year 3 & Year 4! Your class will love learning about Tudor medicine and diseases and all the weird and not-so-wonderful ways in which sick people were 'cured' by Tudor doctors. It also looks at which diseases were prevalent and why and how medical care today is different to medical care in the Tudor period.
This lesson comes ready to teach with a detailed lesson plan, a slideshow for the teaching input that guides your class through some fascinating information about Tudor diseases and how both rich and poor people were treated, and differentiated printable resources for your children's independent learning activities.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Quiz cards
Life for Tudor children was very different to life for children today. Help your Year 3/4 class identify these differences and find out what life was like for Tudor children in this ready-to-teach Tudor Children KS2 History lesson. The included slideshow presentation for the teaching input goes through some information about what life was like for both rich and poor Tudor children, as well as exploring the different role of boys and girls.
During their independent learning, they can use the printable resources to support them as they compare the life of Tudor children to their own lives, or see what life was like for Tudor children at school.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Statement cards
- Worksheet
- Tudor schoolwork sheet
free overview (medium-term plan)
free assessment grid
curriculum objectives covered
- a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066