Containing everything you need to deliver these Titanic KS2 History lessons, including detailed lesson plans, slideshows for each of the teaching inputs, differentiated activity ideas and a range of printable resources to support children in their independent learning activities, this planning pack allows you to simply enjoy exploring the Titanic with your UKS2 class...without having to spend hours of your own time planning!
This scheme of work is also part of our Cross-Curricular Titanic Topic for KS2, with lessons across a range of subjects, including Art, Geography, Science, Computing and English.
In this Titanic Timeline KS2 History lesson, your Year 5 or Year 6 class will be introduced to the story of the Titanic and how the biggest moving vessel in the world at the time became so famous. The included slideshow presentation for the teaching input goes through the story of the Titanic, learning about the events surrounding her launch, her maiden voyage and her fatal collision with an iceberg.
When the children come to do some work of their own, they will create their own differentiated Titanic timelines. There is also the chance to work as a class to create a human timeline of the Titanic, considering how significant different events were.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Titanic timelines
- Elicitation headings
- Differentiated worksheets
Explore Titanic sources of information with your KS2 class in this ready-to-teach History lesson for Year 5 & Year 6 children as they learn how we know about the Titanic and explore the reliability of different sources. The lesson starts by challenging your class to think about all the different sources they could use to find out about the Titanic, then goes on to explore what primary and secondary sources are, and the type of information that can be found out from each. It also helps consider the accuracy of information from different sources.
They then have the opportunity to explore lots of Titanic sources for themselves, including artefacts, newspaper reports, telegrams, letters, recounts and more! They will consider what they can and can't learn from these sources, and pose questions for further learning.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Sources pack
Take a step into the passengers’ shoes as you venture inside the Titanic and investigate the facilities on board for the different classes. During the teaching input for this Inside the Titanic KS2 History lesson, your class will have the chance to take a peek into what the interior of Titanic was like, and how the experiences on board were different depending on your class and wealth.
During their independent learning, your Year 5 or Year 6 children can carry out some further research into what life was like inside the Titanic using a variety of sources, collating their findings in a variety of ways. Alternatively, they can read some fictional letters from passengers aboard the famous ship to create passenger profiles.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Source cards
- Titanic letters
Introduce your class to some of the Titanic passengers on board the famous ship in this ready-to-teach KS2 History lesson for Year 5 and Year 6. During the teaching input, the included slideshow presentation will pose some questions about the Titanic's passengers and how we know about them, before looking in more detail at some famous Titanic passengers, including Captain Smith, Margaret Brown and Thomas Andrews.
They can then go on to carry out their own research about Titanic passengers for themselves, presenting the information as a fact file, social media profile or biography. Alternatively, they can hot seat being different Titanic passengers based on what they have found out.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Passenger cards
- Differentiated worksheets
- Research questions
Who is to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? Allow your class to explore and investigate the different reasons that were uncovered during official inquiries for the Titanic’s sinking. Focusing on the huge and unnecessary loss of life in the disaster, have your class debate over who, or what, was to blame for so many people losing their life when the Titanic sank.
This ready-to-teach lesson comes with a detailed lesson plan with differentiated activity ideas, a slideshow for the teaching input, and a range of printable resources to help your class answer the question, 'Who is to blame for the sinking of the Titanic?'
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Titanic cards
- Differentiated worksheets
- Fact sheet
- Debate sheet
Download this Titanic Legacy KS2 History lesson for Year 5 and Year 6 to explore with your class what changed in the maritime industry after the sinking of the Titanic. Your class will have the chance to look into the different ways ships have been made safer for people on board and measures that were put in place to ensure this kind of disaster could be prevented in future. Your children will also be asked to reflect on why the changes were made and whether the changes would still have been made if the Titanic hadn’t sunk.
The final lesson in this Titanic History series comes ready to teach with an easy-to-follow lesson plan, a slideshow for the teaching input, differentiated activity ideas and a range of printable resources to support children as they learn about the legacy of the Titanic.
What's included:
- Lesson plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Change cards
- End of unit quiz
free overview (medium-term plan)
free assessment grid
curriculum objectives covered
- a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066