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£1 WEEK STARTS 14th OCTOBER! Sign up now to receive exclusive access to £1 schemes of work every day for a week!
12 Free PlanBee resources to help you create a positive learning environment

Top 12 free resources to create a positive learning environment

If you’re busy setting up your primary classroom for the new school year and you want to create a positive learning environment for your students, we’ve got twelve fantastic FreeBees to help you out. 

Each of these free resources will help to create a positive environment in which children feel valued, listened to, safe and secure, which will in turn enable them to thrive in both their personal and academic development.


It’s OK to… Poster

Help your children understand that not getting things right the first time, having hard days and asking for help are all important parts of the learning process with this handy display poster.


Free It's OK to...? PlanBee poster
View the Free It's OK to...? poster


Affirmation Cards 

Use this set of affirmation cards to promote positive self-talk and build children’s self-esteem in your classroom. 


Free Affirmation Poster
Download the Free Affirmation Cards


Knowing Me, Knowing You Cards 

Foster good relationships with the children in your class by asking them to fill in one of these ‘Knowing Me, Knowing You’ cards every once in a while. Responding to their fun facts, thoughts or worries in a personalised way will help your children feel valued and safe in their classroom environment. Write a reply on the back and leave it in their tray, or have a chat with them about their fact.


Free Knowing Me Knowing You Cards
Download these Free Knowing Me Knowing You Cards


Feelings Check-in Cards 

If you want to create open communication channels between you and your pupils, use these Feelings Check-in Cards as a discreet way for children to let you know how they are feeling, and why. Perfect for establishing strong bonds between you and the children in your class. 


Feelings Check In Cards
Download these Feelings Check-in Cards


Recognising Emotions Posters

Use these posters to help your children recognise the physical sensations, facial expressions and behaviours that can accompany certain emotions. Once an emotion has been recognised, actions can be put in place to manage it. 


Free Recognising Emotions Posters
Download these Free Recognising Emotions Posters


Synonym Booklet of Emotions 

Another great tool for helping your class understand and recognise emotions is this Synonym Booklet of Emotions. This fab little booklet can be folded up and kept on children’s table on in their trays so that they can access it whenever they need it to help them identify and express how they are feeling. 


Free Synonym Booklet Of Emotions
Download this Free Synonym Booklet Of Emotions


Mood Trackers for Kids 

This great little download can be used throughout the week to encourage children to stop and consider how they are feeling and why they are feeling that way. This can be really useful in spotting patterns of behaviour, such as if a child always feels anxious before or after a particular subject. 


Free Mood Trackers
Download these Free Mood Trackers


Calming Techniques for Kids

Children can’t learn when they aren’t calm. These fantastic calming techniques will help your class deal with difficult emotions, such as anger, frustration or anxiety, which will then enable them to continue with their learning. 


Free Calming Techniques Posters
Download these Free Calming Techniques Posters


Reward Wristbands

Helping children recognise their achievements and acknowledging their successes will help them feel valued and motivated, which will help contribute to the positive learning environment in your classroom. Download these Reward Wristbands and either use the printed messages, or write your own, to celebrate their accomplishments. 


Free Reward Wristbands
Download these Free Reward Wristbands


Character Trait Certificates

Another way to acknowledge positivity in your classroom is to hand out these ten Character Trait Certificates. Not only will they help recognise positive learning traits but they will also help children understand what to strive towards. 


Free Character Trait Certificates
Download these Free Character Trait Certificates


I am a Star Bunting 

These affirmative 'I am a Star' bunting displays for your classroom are a great way to encourage your children to think about their positive attributes. String them all together to create a bunting display banner that will remind each one of them why they are special.


Free I'm a Star Bunting
Downloadable I'm a Star Bunting


Yoga Pose Cards 

Help your children to improve their focus and develop the skills they need for emotional regulation with these Yoga Pose Cards, which come with full instructions and challenge activities. These are great as an end-of-the-day activity or when you need a five-minute calm-down task. 


Free Yoga Pose Cards
Free Downloadable Yoga Pose Cards


You may also be interested in our blog on 10 practical ways to create mentally healthy classrooms

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