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5 Tips for Effective Behaviour Management in the Classroom

5 Tips for Effective Behaviour Management in the Classroom

Getting classroom management right is about working out the best techniques for you and your class. This is easier said than done, so see which of our behaviour management in the classroom strategies you can implement for your class.
Managing a classroom effectively is one of the most important parts of being a primary school teacher. This skill comes easier to some people than others, but keeping your classroom focused and engaged may actually be easier than you think. Here at PlanBee we have collated some handy classroom management strategies to help turn primary classrooms into effective learning environments.


Can your children can see and hear you?

Behaviour management in the classroom

While this may seem obvious, the layout of your classroom can influence how engaged your class are. A child who has to twist around to see you or the board, will be harder to keep on track than one who can sit comfortably while they work. Remove physical barriers or discomforts to help keep your class focused. Show them they are valued in the class.

Planning your classroom’s layout, and putting your plan into practice, may be trickier than you had first anticipated. We all know classrooms can have lots of students and resources in them. Ensuring all pupils are sitting in a position where they can see and be seen can take some serious effort. Don’t be afraid to move your classroom around if the layout isn’t working for you or the children.


5 Tips for Effective Classroom Behaviour Management:


  1. Make sure all the children are looking at you before you give instructions. Saying phrases like ‘1, 2, 3, look at me’ or clapping patterns for the children to repeat back, can be great ways to get the attention of everyone in the room.


  1. Give children responsibilities. Allow them to work out how they will solve a problem. Let them come up with suggestions the topics or questions they would like to explore. Sharing these responsibilities will give your class ownership of their learning. It will show them they are valued members of the class and that you trust them.


  1. Have allocated table places. Lots of teachers also have set talking partners and carpet places too. This strategy allows you to ensure everyone is paired up with the child they work well with. It can also minimise the time it takes for children to transition from one task to another.


  1. Think about where you stand. Do you always position yourself in the same spot in the classroom? Are you always next to the same child or group of children? Are you always glued to the interactive whiteboard? Get yourself nearer to the children you are talking to, save your voice and ensure you don’t end up with a forgotten section of your classroom.


  1. Above all show the children you value them and respect them. When children (and adults) feel respected they are more likely to value and respect you. A disciplined classroom environment with clear, reasonable boundaries, is more likely to help everyone feel safe. When children feel safe they take risks in their learning and as a result learn more.



If you’d like to read more about classroom discipline methods and find out what your style is, read our ‘What is your teaching discipline style?’ blog. It might help you create a calmer classroom while moving you away from some of the more common discipline oriented behaviour management strategies.

Share any of your classroom management strategies with us and we’ll add them to this blog. Teaching is tricky enough without having to reinvent the wheel constantly!


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