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Thanks for Everything

Original price £7.00 - Original price £7.00
Original price
£7.00 - £7.00
Current price £7.00
SKU ESR12CS40100
Key Stage 1Ethical TradeESRYear 1Year 2

This three-lesson ESR scheme of work introduces the concept of ethical trading and appreciating the things we have and the people who work hard providing things for us.

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Children will think about their favourite things and who provided them. They will then explore where different products were made and who worked hard to make them, before touching upon the topic of child labour. This series ends by challenging the children to think about the impact different actions have and how they can be good citizens.

With lesson plans, slides for the teaching input, differentiated activities and a range of printable resources, this ‘Thanks for Everything’ scheme will encourage discussion within your class and encourage the children to become more aware of what they have and where it came from.


The first lesson in this three-part ESR series challenges your children to think about where the things they treasure come from and who provides them. They will begin to understand toys are made by someone and people work hard to make sure they have the things they need to learn. The lesson concludes by challenging your class to think about how they can show they appreciate the people who provide them with things and services.

This downloadable lesson comes with a lesson plan, a slideshow presentation and printable teaching resources.


What's included:

  • Lesson plan
  • Slides
  • Activity ideas
  • Think About Cards
  • People Cards
  • Worksheets
  • Scenario Cards
  • Discussion Card

The second lesson in this three-lesson ESR series gets the children thinking about who makes the things they use. They will think about different jobs and why education is important. Your class will learn that children used to work in the UK. They will then find out about jobs children have around the world and discuss if it is fair that some children don’t get to go to school. The lesson concludes by encouraging children to think about fair trade pr