After becoming familiar with the Peace at Last story, children will first sequence and then retell the tale in their own words. They will then look at a story map of the book, and adapt it by changing the characters, the places that the character tries to sleep, and the noises that keep them awake. Children will use this adapted story map to write their own version of the story.
Each of the lessons in this Peace at Last Planning Pack include an easy-to-follow plan, a set of engaging slides for the teaching input, differentiated activity ideas and printable resources. Please be aware that, for copyright purposes, we are unable to provide the full text for this scheme of work. Extracts are provided where appropriate.
In this first lesson, children will be introduced to the Peace at Last story.
They will first be asked to share their ideas on what the book might be about, based on the title and the front cover. Children will be encouraged to talk about the meaning of the word 'peace'. After reading the book together, your class will be asked to show their knowledge and understanding of the story by answering a range of questions.
An easy-to-follow plan, a set of slides for the teaching input, differentiated activity ideas and printable resources are all included in this Peace at Last Lesson Plan Pack.
What's included:
- Lesson Plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Differentiated worksheets
- Question/Answer Cards
Children will first recap the main events of the story, and answer some questions about it together. They will then discuss why some of the words are written in capital letters.
After reading the book again as a class, children will be asked which of two events in the story happened first. In their independent activities, they will be challenged to sequence the main events of the story using the resources provided.
This Peace at Last Sequencing lesson includes everything you need - a detailed plan, an engaging slideshow, and differentiated, printable resources.
What's included:
- Lesson Plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Sequence Cards
- Differentiated worksheets
- Word Bank
- Sequence Strips
In this lesson, children will first discuss and order the different noises that Mr Bear is disturbed by throughout the story, before talking about ideas for a different title for the book.
After listening to the story being read aloud to them again, children will sit in a circle and retell the story together, with each person telling a short section before it is the next person's turn. In their independent activities, children will create their own story booklet.
With a detailed lesson plan, a slideshow presentation for the teaching input, and differentiated worksheets for the independent activities, this Peace at Last Lesson Planning Pack has everything you need for a successful lesson.
What's included:
- Lesson Plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Story Booklets
- Word Banks
In this lesson, children will first look at the Peace at Last Story Map provided, and retell the story using it.
After discussing ideas as a class, children will then create a story map for their own version of the story, by changing the characters, the places that the character tries to sleep, and the noises that keep them awake.
This complete Peace at Last Planning lesson includes a comprehensive plan, an engaging slideshow and differentiated worksheets to cater for all ability levels.
What's included:
- Lesson Plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Peace at Last Story Map
- Differentiated Story Maps
- Story Dice
In this final lesson, children will be shown how to use their story map to write their version of the Peace at Last story.
They will be encouraged to orally rehearse their sentences, as well as being reminded when and where to use capital letters. Children will then use their story map to begin writing their version of the tale. Once completed, they share their writing with one another.
An easy-to-follow plan, an informative slide show and printable resources are provided in this final Peace at Last lesson pack.
What's included:
- Lesson Plan
- Slides
- Activity ideas
- Word Bank
- Story Sheets
- Story Booklet
free overview (medium-term plan)
free assessment grid
curriculum objectives covered
Download a free overview to support your teaching of this scheme of work.
Download a free, editable assessment grid to support your teaching of this scheme of work.
Writing - Composition Objectives:
- saying out loud what they are going to write about
- composing a sentence orally before writing it
- sequencing sentences to form short narratives
- read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by their peers and the teacher
Writing - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Objectives:
- beginning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark
- using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’
Spoken Language Objectives:
- listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers
- articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions
- participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play/improvisations and debates
- gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listener(s)
English Appendix Objectives:
- Sequencing sentences to form short narratives
- Introduction to capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences
- Capital letters for names and for the personal pronoun I