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£5.00 - £5.00
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SKU M2CS80140
Key Stage 1Addition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionMathsSummer TermYear 2

Challenge children to apply their knowledge of all four operations to solve a variety of problems with these Year 2 word problems and problem-solving lessons.

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In this fun zoo-themed five-lesson scheme of work, your class will choose and use their preferred methods for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. The slides—included with every lesson—clearly explain a variety of problem-solving strategies and show lots of problems for children to solve, including a number of time and money word problems. Every lesson also includes a choice of differentiated learning activities and a range of printable PDF resources including worksheets, activity cards and answer sheets (where appropriate).


In this first lesson, children begin by looking at the range of vocabulary used in addition and subtraction word problems. They then discuss different problems, identifying the operation needed, and choosing a method to solve each one with. Children continue to apply this skill in their independent activities. In the FSD? activity, children are challenged to create their own word problems for others to solve, based on given information.



What's included:

  • Lesson plan
  • Slides
  • Activity ideas
  • Animal Checks Lists
  • Differentiated worksheets
  • Comparing Creepy Crawlies Sheet
  • Creepy Crawly Calculation Cards
  • Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary Cards
  • Photo Sheet

Children use and apply their knowledge of multiplication and division in order to solve a variety of word problems with a zoo-theme, using methods of their choice. Children continue to apply these skills in their independent activities. In the alternative activity, children are challenged to make up their own multiplication and division word problems based on given images.



What's included:

  • Lesson plan
  • Slides
  • Activity ideas
  • Feeding Time! Differentiated worksheets
  • What's the Question? Cards
  • Photo Sheet

Children use their knowledge and understanding of all four operations to discuss and solve one- and then two-step word problems involving money. In their individual activities, children calculate the cost of different customer's purchases in the zoo gift shop. In the FSD? activity, children will work in pairs to solve word problems step-by-step, checking each others answers.



What's included:

  • Lesson plan
  • Slides
  • Activity ideas
  • Differentiated worksheets
  • Zoo Gift Shop Sheet
  • A Problem Shared is a Problem Solved' Cards Set A/B
  • Photo Sheet

In this lesson, children apply their knowledge of reading time to the nearest five minutes to solve a range of word problems. They learn how to find the duration, start or finish time of an event using given information by counting on or back in lots of five around a clock face. Children apply this skill in their independent activities by calculating the times of animal shows. In the FSD? activity, children are challenged to complete the missing times on a zookeeper's task list.



What's included:

  • Lesson plan
  • Slides
  • Activity ideas
  • Differentiated worksheets
  • Zookeeper Task Sheet
  • Photo Sheet

In this final lesson, children use their knowledge of all four operations. As a class, they discuss their approaches and methods when asked to identify which two numbers from a given set have been added/subtracted/divided/multiplied to produce a given answer. In their independent activities, children work out what numbers different animals represent in a series of linked number sentences.



What's included:

  • Lesson plan
  • Slides
  • Activity ideas
  • Differentiated worksheets
  • Animal Cards
  • Alphabet Strips
  • Challenge Cards
  • Photo Sheet
Free Overview (Medium-Term Plan)

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Free Assessment Grid

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Curriculum Objectives covered
  • Year 2 - solve problems with addition and subtraction using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures
  • Year 2 - solve problems with addition and subtraction applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods
  • Year 2 - recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems
  • Year 2 - solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts

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