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Fractions Year 2

Fractions help children understand the relationship between numbers and how they can be divided into parts. This strengthens their overall number sense and helps them understand how whole numbers work. Fractions are a key part of building early mathematical understanding and developing problem-solving skills.

By the end of Year 1, children should be able to recognise, find and name a half and a quarter of an object, shape or quantity.

During Year 2, in line with the National Curriculum, children are taught to:

  • recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity
  • write simple fractions for example, 1/2 of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2
A child's hands sorting wooden blocks into quarters, thirds, halves and a whole.

Identifying and sorting fractions of shapes

PlanBee's ready-to-teach Fractions Year 2 schemes of work ensure coverage of the above National Curriculum objectives. Each of our lesson packs has been designed to save teachers time by providing everything needed to deliver outstanding Maths lessons, including lesson plans, slideshows and a range of printable activities.

Fractions Year 2: Let's Find Fractions

This five-lesson Year 2 Maths scheme of work comes with everything you need to re-introduce your class to fractions.

Remind children of their prior knowledge by exploring how fractions can be parts of shapes, measurements and numbers. Teach your class to find halves, thirds, quarters and three quarters of various shapes, numbers and quantities by investigating and discussing their ideas. Encourage them to develop their reasoning skills by telling you why some shapes don’t show a given fraction, or explaining how to find half of a shape or number.


Each of the lessons within this Year 2 pack contains:

  • a detailed lesson plan with differentiated activities
  • a slideshow for the teaching input
  • a range of printable resources for independent learning activities
  • answer sheets where necessary

Let's Find Fractions


Fractions Year 2: Can we find Fractions of Numbers?


Continue to build on your Year 2 class's knowledge and understanding of fractions with this ready-to-teach scheme of work.

Over the course of these five lessons, your class will become more familiar with fractions in a variety of contexts. They will learn how to: identify what fraction of a set of objects is shaded, count in fractions on a number line, practise writing fractions and fraction sentences, and solve word problems by finding fractions of amounts.


Each of the lessons within this Year 2 pack contains:

  • a detailed lesson plan with differentiated activities
  • a slideshow for the teaching input
  • a range of printable resources for independent learning activities
  • answer sheets where necessary

Can we find Fractions of Numbers?
