What is SPAG?
SPAG is an acronym, used in the field of education, that stands for Spelling, Punctuation and Gramar. SPAG is a key part of the English National Curriculum. Indeed, the National Curriculum states: 'Pupils should be taught to control their speaking and writing consciously and to use Standard English. They should be taught to use the elements of spelling, grammar, punctuation and ‘language about language’ listed.'
What is Grammar?
Grammar is the system of a language and is sometimes referred to as 'its rules'. It refers to conventions of sentence structure and parts of speech, including word classes. Grammar is the foundation of good communication, reading comprehension and writing. In Appendix 2 of the English National Curriculum, it states: Explicit knowledge of grammar is, however, very important, as it gives us more conscious control and choice in our language. Building this knowledge is best achieved through a focus on grammar within the teaching of reading, writing and speaking. Once pupils are familiar with a grammatical concept [for example ‘modal verb’], they should be encouraged to apply and explore this concept in the grammar of their own speech and writing and to note where it is used by others.
What is Punctuation?
Punctuation refers to the marks used in writing to separate sentences and clarify the writer's meaning. Examples include: full stops (.), exclamation marks (!), question marks (?), commas (,) and apostrophes ('). Children need to know their names and what they are used for.