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Behaviour Management Roundup Blog

Behaviour Management Roundup Blog

Behaviour management is a hot topic in schools. There are many different ways to approach behaviour management, from extrinsic reward based systems to intrinsic holistic systems. 

Our ever-growing collection of behaviour management themed blogs have been written by our small team of teachers as well as some guest bloggers. So without further ado here is an overview of the behaviour management blogs we have so far…

Top Behaviour Monitoring Tools for Primary School Children

Top Behaviour Monitoring Tools for Primary School Children
Top Behaviour Monitoring Tools for Primary School Children

If you want to know more about setting expectations, implementing routines, using reward systems and so much more then read this behaviour monitoring tools blog. It will take about 6 minutes to read and gives you a great overview of some strategies you can use in the classroom. 



5 Tips for Effective Behaviour Management in the Classroom

5 Tips for Effective Behaviour Management in the Classroom
5 Tips for Effective Behaviour Management in the Classroom

Getting classroom management right is about working out the best techniques for you and your class. This is easier said than done, so see which of our behaviour management strategies you can implement for your class in our effective behaviour management blog.


Classroom Behaviour Management: Authoritative teaching style

Classroom Behaviour Management: Authoritative teaching style
Classroom Behaviour Management: Authoritative teaching style

This 5-minute read about teaching styles helps you understand the theory behind different discipline styles and encourages you to think about how small changes in your behaviour can make a big difference to your classroom behaviour management. If you are not sure what the difference is between being authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved then this is the blog for you. 

Don’t underestimate the positive effect a supportive classroom environment can have on behaviour management. These blogs are all about developing friendships and encouraging children to be upstanders. Ensuring everyone in the classroom is invested in the wellbeing of the community helps you all to create a calm supportive classroom. 

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Take a moment to think about your personal mental health and the mental health of your school. Think about your school's policies and critically examine if they foster an environment of authoritative acceptance. Then get your school team together and ask the questions we have outlined in our mental health awareness blog to enable you to look at your behaviour policy from a different point of view. 


International Friendship Day 

International Friendship Day
International Friendship Day

Learning how to be a good friend is a really important part of growing up. Good friendships can have such a positive effect on a child’s life, providing them with a sense of stability, inclusivity, and self-esteem. Children can learn so much about the world, and discover who they are, through their interactions with other people. However, learning the skills to become a good friend can be a bit tricky for many children. This 9-minute read contains some ideas on how you can help friendships develop.


How to Encourage Classroom Friendships at School

How to Encourage Classroom Friendships at School
How to Encourage Classroom Friendships at School - A guest blog

Helping your pupils to develop classroom friendships at school is vitally important. It develops the foundation for a more harmonious classroom environment, and helps children to develop great social and communication skills. Find out how you can support your class to develop their friendships with this 8-minute read


Bullying Prevention: Encourage Children to be Upstanders

Bullying Prevention: Encourage Children to be Upstanders - A guest blog
Bullying Prevention: Encourage Children to be Upstanders - A guest blog

Have you ever wondered why children don't stand up for others? Perhaps you question how much influence you have over their response. Maybe you’re not sure how to encourage children to adopt the role of the Upstander.

In this bullying prevention blog, Marie O’Sullivan explores these issues and provides insight into how you can address them.


We are constantly adding to our collection of behaviour management blogs. If there is a topic you would like us to write about then contact us.
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